Medical Records New Process

Medical Records Department HIM

The K'ima:w Medical Center Medical Records Department is excited to offer our new process for Medical Records requests (ROI’s). Please allow the Medical Records Department 72 hours to process your request.

  1. Patients will go to the web page at
  2. Click on forms and Applications.
  3. In the search bar type ROI.
  4. Click on the KMC ROI.
  5. Download the fillable ROI form.
  6. Fill out your request and email your request to (this is a secure email) or fax to 866-375-8036

If you have an urgent request, please call the Medical Records Department at extension 0340


For your convenience we will offer blank ROI’s and a locked form box in the clinic lobby. The form box will be checked by the Medical Records staff Four times a day so that ROI’s can be processed in a timely manner.